103+ Funniest Parrot Jokes to get Laughter Blast

Feast your eyes on these uproarious parrot jokes that are sure to tickle your funny bone! From the best knock-knock jokes to adorable ice breakers, we’ve got it all for you. Get ready to laugh your feathers off with these 103 side-splitting parrot-themed jokes!

Best Jokes about Parrot

  • Why did the parrot wear a raincoat?
    • Because it wanted to be a “polyester” bird!
  • What did the parrot say when it finished a delicious meal?
    • “That was parrot-licious!”
  • How do you turn a parrot into a pig?
    • Just give it some oink-ment!
  • What do you call a parrot that flew away?
    • A polygon!
  • Why did the parrot bring a ladder to the bar?
    • It wanted to reach new heights and get a higher perch!
  • What did one parrot say to the other during a storm?
    • “Polly want a thunder crack!”
  • Why did the parrot bring a ladder to the bar?
    • It wanted to reach new heights and get a higher perch!
  • What do you call a parrot that flew away?
    • A polygon!
  • Why did the parrot become a plumber?
    • It loved to tap into new conversations!
  • What do you call a parrot that flew away?
    • A polygon!
  • How do parrots communicate during a quarantine?
    • Through “Poly-Zoom” meetings!
  • What happens when a parrot gets lost?
    • It goes tweet-weet!
  • Why did the parrot start a YouTube channel?
    • It wanted to go viral with its wing-tastic content!
  • How does a parrot ask for dinner?
    • “Can I have more please, squawk-let!”
  • What did the parrot say to the moth?
    • “Polly want a snack!”
Best knock knock jokes about Parrot

Cute Ice Breaker jokes about Parrot

  • Why did the parrot bring a ladder to the party?
    • To break the ice with its high-flying jokes!
  • What is a parrot’s favorite shape?
    • A squawk-gon!
  • How do you introduce a parrot to a crowd?
    • “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Polly-tician!”
  • Why did the parrot become a stand-up comedian?
    • It had a knack for cracking jokes with impeccable timing!
  • What do you get when you mix a parrot and a shark?
    • A bird that talks your ear off underwater!
  • Why did the parrot wear a life jacket?
    • It wanted to be the “beak” on the safe side!
  • What do you call a group of chatty parrots?
    • A “squawk-curriculum”!
  • What do you call a parrot that flew away and returned after two years?
    • A “polly-migrator”!
  • Why did the parrot start a peanut butter company?
    • It wanted to spread its wings and fly with nutty success!
  • What’s a parrot’s favorite vacation spot?
    • The “Tropi-Squawk” Islands!
  • How does a parrot introduce itself at a party?
    • “I’m Polly Sparkles, pleased to tweet you!”
  • What do you get if you cross a parrot with a shark?
    • A talking bird that’ll talk your ear off both on land and sea!
  • How does a parrot invite friends over for a party?
    • “Fly over for some feathersome fun!”
  • What did the parrot say to the penguin?
    • “Ice to meet you! You’re a rather flightless bird!”
  • Why did the parrot bring a ladder to the jungle?
    • To reach the “bird’s-eye” view!

Funny Jokes about Parrot For Adults

  • Why did the parrot get banned from the gym?
    • It kept repeating “Squawk your glutes!”
  • What do you get when you cross a parrot and a pirate?
    • A squawking good time!
  • Why did the parrot become a DJ?
    • It loved to mix and squawk the beats all night long!
  • What did one parrot say to the other in the nightclub?
    • “Pssst… Do you like Salsa music? Because I’ve got the moves!”
  • What’s a parrot’s favorite song at a comedy show?
    • “I Will Squawk You Like a Hurricane”!
  • Why did the parrot join a rock band?
    • It wanted to be a “tweetle” in a tweetle band!
  • What did the parrot say to the bartender?
    • “A cracker a day keeps the doctor away!”
  • How do you stop a parrot from talking?
    • Tickle its “funny bone”!
  • Why did the parrot start a comedy club?
    • It loved making people laugh with its feathered wit!
  • What did the parrot say when it saw a scandalous movie?
    • “Now we’re talking ‘beak peek’!”
  • Why did the parrot go to therapy?
    • It had too many “birden” thoughts!
  • What did the parrot say to its owner after climbing on the ceiling?
    • “What goes up must come down, but I’ll stay up here for now!”
  • Why did the parrot start a gambling addiction support group?
    • It wanted to help birds with a “tweetooth” for gambling!
  • What’s a parrot’s favorite type of humor?
    • “Polly-Sarcasm”!
  • How does a parrot greet its friends on Twitter?
    • “Tweetings from the beaks of paradise!”
Funny Jokes about Parrot For Adults

Best knock knock jokes about Parrot

  • Knock knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Polly.
    • Polly who?
    • Polly-gize for my corny jokes!
  • Knock knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Beak.
    • Beak who?
    • Beak-ause I’m hungry, got any crackers?
  • Knock knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Squawk.
    • Squawk who?
    • Squawkward! Can I borrow some featherspray?
  • Knock knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Wing.
    • Wing who?
    • Wing-dow, it’s getting stuffy in here!
  • Knock knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Olive.
    • Olive who?
    • Olive parrots and their hilarious jokes!
  • Knock knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Peck.
    • Peck who?
    • Peck-ing order, I’m the funniest parrot here!
  • Knock knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Feather.
    • Feather who?
    • Feather or not, these jokes will crack you up!
  • Knock knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Taco.
    • Taco who?
    • Taco ’bout Parrothead, I’m a fan of laughter!
  • Knock knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Quinoa.
    • Quinoa who?
    • Quinoa brings the parrot jokes, I squawking love them!
  • Knock knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Pecan.
    • Pecan who?
    • Pecan parrot jokes surprise you every time!
  • Knock knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Whistle.
    • Whistle who?
    • Whistle-while-you-laugh at these parrot jokes!
  • Knock knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Alpaca.
    • Alpaca who?
    • Alpaca-your-bags, we’re going on a laughter journey!
  • Knock knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Cheep.
    • Cheep who?
    • Cheep up, these jokes will make your day!
  • Knock knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Talon.
    • Talon who?
    • Talon-ted parrots tell the best jokes!
  • Knock knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Avocado.
    • Avocado who?
    • Avocado laugh for you right here!

Fun Parrot Story Jokes

  • Once upon a time, there was a parrot who could speak eight different languages. Unfortunately, it had nothing interesting to say in any of them!
  • A parrot walked into a bakery and asked the baker, “Do you have any quackers?” The baker replied, “We only sell bread, not ducks!”
  • There was a parrot that loved to watch horror movies. Whenever something scary happened, it would shout, “Feathers to the rescue!”
  • One day, a parrot challenged a crow to a singing competition. The parrot sang beautifully, but the crow won because it had a “caw-dience”!
  • In a tropical forest, a parrot fell in love with a toucan. They made beautiful music together, but their love was forbidden because their song was considered “fowl” play!
  • Once there was a parrot who opened a dance studio. It became a sensation with its signature move called the “wing fling”!
  • A parrot walked into a shoe store and asked the salesperson, “Do you have any Birkenstocks for birds?” The salesperson replied, “Sorry, we only cater to sole-ful customers!”
  • There was a parrot who loved to go to the beach. It would always bring a sun hat and say, “I’m ready to have a ‘tweet’-rific time in the sand!”
  • Once upon a time, there was a parrot who wanted to become a magician. But every time it tried to pull a rabbit out of a hat, all it got was a bunch of feathers!
  • In a bird talent show, a parrot and a pigeon competed against each other. The parrot won because it had an amazing ability to mimic human laughter and keep the audience in stitches!
  • There was an adventurous parrot who loved to explore the jungle. It once discovered a hidden treasure chest full sunflower seeds – the ultimate parrot’s dream!
Cute Ice Breaker jokes about Parrot

Parrot-Related Birds Jokes

  • What did one bird say to the other at the parrot party?
    • “Time to polly-nate the dance floor!”
  • How do crows and parrots communicate?
    • They send “ca-CAW-grams” and “tweet”-legrams to each other!
  • What do you get when you mix a parrot and a flamingo?
    • A bird who talks flamboyantly and stands out in a crowd!
  • Why do pelicans love spending time with parrots?
    • Because parrots always make sure to “pelican” them with laughter!
  • What do you call a group of parrots and sparrows having a party?
    • A “fluttering” affair filled with feathered fun!
  • Why did the dove invite the parrot to its peace gathering?
    • Because it believed in “feather-ity” and wanted to spread harmony!
  • How do parrots and seagulls settle their differences?
    • Through “Cawrtroom” negotiations and “Squawk”-tacular compromises!
  • What’s a parrot’s favorite type of music to dance to with a toucan?
    • “Bollywood-polly” beats that make them twirl and squawk with joy!
  • Why did the chicken become friends with the parrot?
    • Because the parrot’s quirky jokes always made it “cluck-up” with laughter!
  • Why do hummingbirds and parrots make the best duet partners?
    • Because their fast squawking and rapid tweeting create a harmonious symphony!
  • How do penguins and parrots have conversation parties?
    • They break the ice with some cool jokes and feathered camaraderie!
  • Why did the rooster invite the parrot to its early morning crowing session?
    • Because it knew the parrot would add some “squawk-tastic” rhythm to the chorus!
  • What happens when eagles and parrots share their flying tricks?
    • They form an avian airshow that leaves the audience in awe of their majestic talents!
  • Why did the toucan and parrot form a duet band?
    • They believed that “beak-autiful” melodies and hilarious lyrics could change the world, one squawk at a time!

FAQs about Parrot Jokes

Q: Why are parrot jokes so popular?

Parrot jokes have gained popularity due to the witty nature of parrots and their ability to imitate human speech. The playful and comedic elements associated with parrots make them perfect subjects for jokes

Q: What is it about parrots that makes them funny?

Parrots are known for their ability to mimic human speech, which often leads to humorous situations. Their ability to imitate voices and sounds can create entertaining moments and unexpected jokes. Additionally, parrots with their colorful feathers and vibrant personalities bring a playful and animated element to their interactions, making them naturally funny creatures.

Q: Can parrots really understand jokes?

Parrots may not understand jokes in the same way humans do, but they can recognize patterns, react to cues, and understand certain words or phrases associated with positive or humorous responses from their owners. Parrots often respond to laughter or positive reinforcement, which can be interpreted as enjoyment of a joke. They may not comprehend the full comedic context, but their ability to mimic sounds and actions can create humorous interactions.

Q: Are parrots known for having a good sense of timing in comedy?

Parrots may not have a deliberate sense of timing in comedy, as their mimicry and responses are often reactionary or based on cues. However, their ability to mimic sounds and actions can inadvertently create comedic timing in certain situations. Due to their aptitude for imitation and their desire for attention, parrots can exhibit comedic timing by repeating a funny sound or action at unexpected moments, generating laughter from their owners or audience.


In conclusion, parrot jokes provide a lighthearted and entertaining way to appreciate the playful and mimicry abilities of these colorful birds. Parrots have captured our fascination with their ability to imitate human speech and their vibrant personalities. Whether it’s through their witty responses, unexpected mimicry, or playful behaviors, parrots bring joy and laughter to our lives. While they may not fully comprehend jokes or possess a deliberate sense of humor, they can certainly create comical moments and bring smiles to our faces. So next time you encounter a parrot, don’t hesitate to engage in some feathered fun with a few jokes, squawks, and laughter!

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