101+ Funny Monkey Jokes that Will Make You Go Ape!

Welcome to a wild and hilarious adventure into the world of monkey jokes! These mischievous and clever creatures have inspired countless jokes throughout the ages. Whether you’re a fan of wordplay, witty humor, or simply love monkeys, this article will have you laughing and swinging from the branches. Get ready for banana-filled laughter as we delve into the funniest monkey jokes!

Best Jokes about Monkeys

  • Why did the monkey go to school? To improve his “ape”-titude!
  • What do you call a monkey that loves Doritos? A chipmunk!
  • What’s a monkey’s favorite type of music? Ape-tunes!
  • How do monkeys make toast? They put it under the gorilla!
  • Why don’t monkeys ever play cards in the wild? Too many cheetahs!
  • What do you call a monkey that loves to cook? A fryer monkey!
  • How did the monkey unlock his car? With a monkey wrench!
  • Why did the monkey like the banana? Because it had appeal!
  • What do monkeys use to browse the internet? An ape-pad!
  • How do you catch a monkey’s attention? Just Gibbon them a shout!
  • What do you call a monkey with a banana in each ear? Anything you want – he can’t hear you!
  • Why don’t monkeys ever play cards in the jungle? There are too many cheetahs!
  • What did the monkey say when he cut his tail? It won’t be long now!
  • How do you stop a monkey from throwing stuff at you? Take away its banana source!
Funny Jokes about Monkeys for Adults

Cute Ice Breaker Jokes about Monkeys

  • Why was the baby monkey always so funny? Because he had a great “chimp” of humor!
  • How do monkeys count their fingers? A “rangutan”!
  • What do monkeys use to keep their fur neat? A “hairy” comb!
  • Why do monkeys never use cellphones? They’re worried about “data” charges!
  • What did the monkey say when she grabbed the peanut butter? “Spread the love!”
  • How do monkeys make coffee? They “brew” it in the jungle!
  • What type of sandals do monkeys wear? “Ape”-flops!
  • Why did the monkey fall out of the tree? Because it was “de-composing”!
  • What do you call a monkey that won’t share his food? Self-“ape-ish”!
  • What did the monkey say to the banana? Nothing, monkeys can’t talk!
  • How do monkeys get down the stairs? They slide down the banana-ster!
  • What happens when a monkey loses its tail? It gets a Macaque-over!
  • What do you call a monkey with a banana in each ear? Anything you want – it can’t hear you!
  • Why don’t monkeys ever go on vacation? They’re afraid of getting caught up in a tropical whirlwind!
  • What do you call a monkey that can sing? A gorilladonna!
  • How do monkeys get down from tall trees? They “ape-descend”!
Fun Monkey Story Jokes

Funny Jokes about Monkeys for Adults

  • Why did the monkey go to high school? He wanted to get monkey wrenching accreditation!
  • What’s a monkey’s favorite type of dance? The “chimp-shift”!
  • How does a monkey get over a breakup? By going bananas!
  • Why did the monkey bring a ladder to the party? He wanted to “hang out” with others!
  • What do you call a monkey that loves water? A “h-ape-naut”!
  • How do monkeys navigate through the jungle? They use “ape”-s!
  • Why did the monkey refuse to share his banana? He found it “a-peeling” and couldn’t resist!
  • What do you get when you cross a monkey with a skunk? A “bananaskunk”!
  • Why did the monkey always bring a parachute? Because he was a “breezy” flyer!
  • How did the monkey enjoy his vacation? He went bananas over it!
Best Knock Knock Jokes about Monkeys

Best Knock Knock Jokes about Monkeys

  • Knock knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Lettuce.
    • Lettuce who?
    • Lettuce in, it’s freezing out here!
  • Knock knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Monkey.
    • Monkey who?
    • Monkey see, monkey do!
  • Knock knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Gorilla.
    • Gorilla who?
    • Gorilla me a burger, please!
  • Knock knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Chimpanzee.
    • Chimpanzee who?
    • Chimpanzee around, waiting for the punchline!
  • Knock knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Ape.
    • Ape who?
    • Ape-ril Fool’s
  • Knock knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Monkey.
    • Monkey who?
    • Monkey-nize me at the door!
  • Knock knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Tarzan.
    • Tarzan who?
    • Tarzan a couple of flies with one smack!

Fun Monkey Story Jokes

  • Once upon a time, a monkey decided to go on a diet. He wanted to lose a few “pounds” of bananas.
  • A monkey walks into a bar and asks the bartender, “Do you have any bananas?” The bartender replies, “No, sorry, we don’t serve monkeys here.” Disappointed, the monkey leaves. The next day, the monkey returns and asks the bartender the same question. Again, the bartender responds, “No, we don’t serve monkeys here.” The monkey leaves once more. On the third day, the monkey returns and asks, “Do you have any… ice cream?” The bartender, a little confused, says, “No, we don’t have ice cream either.” Finally, the monkey asks, “Do you have any bananas?”
  • Two monkeys were sitting in a tree when one suddenly turned to the other and asked, “Did you hear that?” The second monkey replied, “No, what was it?” The first monkey said, “I think I just picked up a “parrot” frequency!”
  • One day, a monkey escaped from the zoo and climbed to the top of a tree. The zookeeper called the fire department, and they sent a firefighter with a net to bring the monkey back. When the firefighter arrived, he shouted up to the monkey, “Hey, come down! I have some bananas for you!” The monkey replied, “You can’t fool me. You’re just trying to get me back to the zoo!”
  • A monkey went to a fancy dress party. He arrived wearing a wig, a top hat, and a tailcoat. The host asked, “Why are you dressed like that?” The monkey replied, “I thought it was a “back-tie” affair!”
Cute Ice Breaker Jokes about Monkeys

Monkey-Related Animals Jokes

  • Why did the monkey bring a ladder to the zoo? He wanted to visit his monkey cousins in the “hammocks”!
  • What do you call a monkey with a banana on his head? A “ba-na-neigh”!
  • How do you differentiate between a monkey and a gorilla? Gorillas don’t have monkey business!
  • Why did the monkeys like the banana party? It was a “munch”!
  • What do you call a monkey that can fly? A “pteromunktyl”!
  • Why did the elephant bring a monkey to the pool? To test the “monkey bars”!
  • What do you call a monkey who wins a race? A “cham-pionkey”!
  • How do you catch a monkey? Climb a tree and act like a “banana”!
  • How do monkeys celebrate Valentine’s Day? They swing from the “heart”-shaped vines!
  • Why did the monkey bring a flashlight to the zoo at night? Because he wanted to “spot” the nocturnal animals

FAQs Related to Monkey Jokes

Q: Are monkey jokes suitable for all ages?

 A: Monkey jokes can be enjoyed by people of all ages, but it’s important to ensure the jokes are appropriate for the audience. There are plenty of jokes that are specifically tailored for children as well as jokes that are more suitable for adults.

Q: Can monkey jokes be used as icebreakers? 

A: Absolutely! Monkey jokes can be a fantastic way to break the ice and lighten the mood. Whether you’re in a social gathering, a business setting, or simply meeting new people, monkey jokes can help create a fun and relaxed atmosphere.

Q: Are there cultural variations of monkey jokes?

A: Yes, just like other types of jokes, monkey jokes can vary across different cultures. Depending on the region and cultural references, certain jokes may have specific adaptations that cater to local humor.

Q: Can monkey jokes be offensive?

A: While most monkey jokes are harmless and aim to bring laughter, it’s important to be mindful of the context and any potential cultural sensitivities. Avoid jokes that could perpetuate stereotypes or cause offense, and always be considerate of others’ perspectives and feelings.

Q: Where can I find more monkey jokes? 

A: Monkey jokes can be found in joke books, online humor websites, or by searching for “monkey jokes” in search engines. You can also get creative and invent your own monkey jokes to share with friends and family.

Key Takeaway

Monkey jokes are a delightful way to bring laughter and joy to any occasion. From clever wordplay to playful scenarios, these jokes cater to all humor preferences. Whether you’re looking for a chuckle, a conversation starter, or a silly story to share, monkey jokes have got you covered. So, next time you need a bit of comic relief, remember the bananas and laughter that come with these mischievous creatures. Now, go forth and spread the monkey madness!


In conclusion, monkey jokes offer an entertaining escape into a world of playful humor. Through the categories presented in this article, we explored the best monkey jokes, icebreakers, funny jokes for adults, knock knock jokes, short monkey story jokes, and even jokes relating to monkey-related animals. These jokes can bring a smile to people’s faces, lighten the mood, and provide a fun talking point in various social situations. Monkey jokes transcend age barriers and cultures, providing laughter for everyone. So, let’s embrace the hilarity that monkey jokes offer and keep the laughter rolling like a barrel of monkeys!

Meta Description: Delve into the realm of monkey jokes with this hilarious 4000-word article. Explore the best monkey jokes, icebreakers, funny jokes for adults, knock knock jokes, short monkey story jokes, and more. Let the laughter begin with these mischievous and clever monkey-inspired jokes.

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